Quick summary:

  • From Monday 4th – Monday 11th January you’ll be able to pitch Govcamp sessions 
  • For those who requested it, we’ll be sending your UKGC21 care package (definitely not swag) from the 11th of January
  • Please read our updated code of conduct https://www.ukgovcamp.com/code-of-conduct/  
  • Please sign up to Slack and join our dedicated UKGC21 channels


Hi-de-Hi Campers!

We hope you’ve had a restful and joyful Christmas break and look forward to welcoming you at Govcamp in January 2021 (fondly known as UKGC21). We’re opening up session pitching on Monday 4th January and wanted to update you on plans for the event. Those who have registered for tickets will have already received this information via email, but we’re popping in a blog post for ease. 

As we shared in our blog post (https://www.ukgovcamp.com/2020/11/15/announcing-ukgc21/) we’re doing things differently in 2021. 

For those who are new to Govcamp, we recommend watching this short video from 2014 (https://youtu.be/kqThn6yeBJA) that shows you what Govcamp is (usually) like or read this blog post from Steve Parks.  Essentially, Govcamp is an ‘unconference’ which means that there is no pre-set agenda and attendees pitch the sessions they’d like to have. You get to shape the day(s) you want, which is very exciting! At our usual in-person 1 day event, we do the session pitching ‘live’ in the morning.

How will session pitching work in 2021?

This year, there will be three days of Govcamp sessions (Thursday 21st – Saturday 23rd) so we will do session pitching in advance to make things easier for everyone. This will give you more time to think through your session ideas and bounce off each other – rather than the on the spot pitching, which can feel overwhelming.

We have taken user needs (such as accessibility, familiarity and capability of hardware) into account in deciding on the platforms we are using for the event, as well as our own experiences, and are keeping things as simple as we can. 

We’ve chosen EasyRetro for session pitching. Registered attendees will be emailed details of the Govcamp session pitching board. 

There are three columns in the board (for the three days of sessions); a fourth column with some instructions for adding your session with a template card of what to include. You’ll have 20 votes to vote on the sessions other folks have put forward that you’d like to attend – please do this it gives us a rough understanding if we need extra facilitators or need to break sessions into smaller ones. 

You can pitch (and vote) for the Govcamp sessions from Monday 4th January until Monday 11th January (09:00).   

This gives us organisers a week to transfer the sessions into the Grid, make sure we have enough Campmakers to support the sessions, and any other last minute prep!

If you’re curious about what types of sessions folks have run previously, you can view all of the previous years’ sessions in our Govcamp grid. We’ve had everything from book camp, to procurement reform, working in the open, to data infrastructure.. we’ve even had a session on writing stories using The Tiger who came to tea!

Code of Conduct

We have updated our Code of Conduct and this year have a dedicated number and email address if you need to contact Organisers to report an incident. Please read the Code of Conduct at https://www.ukgovcamp.com/code-of-conduct/.

Anything else?

Normally we don’t do swag for eco reasons but we wanted you to have something tangible this year as we can’t give you lunch, freshly brewed coffee or stickers in person. We’ve tried to do it as sustainably as possible, and our lovely sponsors are contributing to carbon offsetting as well. You can also help with carbon offsetting by donating to the UKGovcamp Grove (treesforlife.org.uk/groves/96110) we have over 200 trees in there so far!

For those of you who shared your address with us to receive swag, you can expect a little something from Govcamp Santa the week of the 11th January.  It will include a booklet with more information about the event. 

That booklet will also be made available digitally. 

Finally, please join us over at Slack. You can sign up at HERE and all channels you’ll need will start with the prefix ukgc21