The UK Gov Camp logo, which looks like a fireball heading right. The top half is blue and the bottom red. In the middle is a white, squiggly line that looks like an ariel shot of the RIver Thames in Central London.

An update of the state of UK Gov Camp’s finances.

The annual UK Gov Camp 2025 (ukgc25) unconference on Saturday 18 January 2025 was a great success. Thank you to everyone who supported us and/or came to the event.


Income was £17,500.00 and expenses £14,800.70, which breaks down as:

  • +£17,500 sponsorship
  • -£4,500 catering (aprox)
  • -£4,262 creche
  • -£2,800 post event drinks and food
  • -£1,263.11 bursaries
  • -£729.76 organiser’s expenses
  • -£647.39 organiser’s hoodies
  • -£598.44 other expenses


  • The £4,500 catering hasn’t been invoiced to us yet, hence being labelled as “approx” (though it’s likely to be less than that).
  • Organisers volunteer their time for free, with some of us claiming for travel and accomodation, and the hoodies being a special thank you gift.
  • “Other expenses” include audio / visual equipment, venue security, consumables and things for the DIY drinks station.


The current bank balance is £18,667.85.

If we subtact:

  • £4,850 in current grant fund requests,
  • £4,500 in unpaid ukgc25 catering costs,
  • £5,000 of Open Data Camp’s money we hold.


That leaves £4,317.85 for rest of the year.


If you’d like to know more, please get in touch with UK Gov Camp treasurer James Arthur Cattell via

One response to “Post ukgc25 accounts”

  1. Comment from jacattell

    By the way, if you join our Slack instance, you can follow what’s going on with grant fund requests.


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