UK Gov camp 2016 logo

Hello I’m James, lead organiser for UKGovCamp 2025 (ukgc25), an annual event for people in and around the public sector. 

Last time I blogged about the organiser’s kickoff meeting

Highlights from that include:

  • date = Saturday 18 January 2025, 
  • location = central London, 
  • size = 300 attendees max, 
  • venue = a public sector(ish) building. 

We’ve been beavering away. Here’s the latest.


Registration is open

Organisers Victoria Chapman from Wirral Council and Ert Erol from the Government Digital Service (GDS) have published the registration form

Registration will close in mid-November. 

Then Vikki & Ert will run the lottery to randomly assign tickets. We do this because we’re limiting venue size to 300 people this time. Typing of which…


Venue search

Organiser Kat Quatermass from GDS runs our venue search. This includes approaching the Ministry of Justice to use 102 Petty France again. It’s not as big as we want, but it’s such a brilliant venue for doing an unconference. 

Kat says:

“It’d be great to hear from anyone who has got suggestions for other spaces that I should add to the list for checking out – this could include spaces within government departments or other kinds of community or public sector conferencing spaces.”

Do you know somewhere in central London that might work? If so, Kat’s published a venue search form for you to complete. We really want public sector venues, including the voluntary, charity and educational sectors.


Religious venues

To be more inclusive we now avoid venues that serve alcohol. This follows feedback from former and potential attendees. 

What we’re not sure about is venues owned by religious organisations. An example is Friends House owned by Quakers of Britain opposite London Euston station. There are many other venues across London owned by different religious organisations. 

As an attendee, how do you feel about this? 

As a sponsor, do you mind where we spend your money?



We’re able to grow and become more inclusive because of our awesome sponsors. We welcome both individuals and organisations. Check out our become a sponsor page for more info.



Get in touch with me via: 

Please add #ukgc25 to your posts to broaden the reach. 


For you to do

  1. Register
  2. Share this post
  3. Help us find a venue

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