- Applicant: Sasha Taylor/JP Coxon
- Amount funded: £500
- Event information: http://bluelightcamp.wordpress.com/
- Tickets: http://bluelightcamp12.eventbrite.co.uk/
- Date & location: 15 April 2012, Manchester
BlueLightCamp is the brainchild of Sasha Taylor and aims to priovide an unconference style setting for UK, Frontline, Blue Light Services and those who work with them to discuss their experiences, hints, tips and best practice in using social media to engage with stakeholders. It will be taking place at Manchester Central on Sunday 15th April 2012, before the British APCO Annual Exhibition and Development Sessions 2012
We have 170 places for this event, tickets are totally free, thanks to support from our kind sponsors and sign-up is open to all Blue Light Services including, but not limited to:
- Fire Services
- Police Authorities
- Ambulance Services
- Coasdtguards
- Front-line Social Care Providers